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Sustainable Energy Systems Concentration

The Sustainable Energy Systems concentration in Mechanical Engineering is designed to enhance your skills in the application of renewable energy systems to reduce the impact of energy consumption on humans and the natural environment.

Sustainable develop is a major push in industry and government and consumption of renewable energy is projected to be the fastest growing energy source for the next 30 years.  With that increase in consumption, there are a growing number of job opportunities.  The sequence of courses within the sustainable energy systems concentration will allow you to gain knowledge and expertise in the sustainability principles of power generation. In addition, you will also gain experience in sustainable energy consumption in the design of the built environment.

Achieving a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with a Sustainable Energy Systems concentration will help you to play a critical role in addressing traditional and changing industry trends and sources of energy that impact Louisiana’s economy and the environment, as we the global energy supply.  Your knowledge, skills, and abilities will prepare you for the future and enable you to navigate this ever-changing profession.

In addition to formal coursework and independent studies a wide range of topics will be covered, such as renewable energy, energy systems and sustainability, introduction to solar energy systems, solar energy system design, energy conversion, environmental engineering, and industrial economics and finance to name a few.

See the courses and requirements for the Sustinable Energy Systems concentration.

Talk with your advisor about declaring your concentration.