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Mostafa (Mike) Elsayed

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1972

Contact Information:

P.O. Box 43678
Lafayette, LA 70504-3636
Rougeou Hall, Room 257
Phone: 337-482-6622


Courses Taught:

MCHE 474 - Control Systems
MCHE 357 - Instrumentation and Measurement
MCHE 463 - Computer Aided Manufacturing I
MCHE 464 - Computer Aided Manufacturing I
MCHE 513 - Intermediate Dynamics

Research Interests:

  • Dynamic Systems- Controls and Vibration, particularly as it applies to oil well drilling systems.

Honors and Awards:

  • Received the Innovator Award, UL Lafayette, Nov. 2013
  • Awarded the Alumni Association’s LEQSF Board of Regents Professorship, 1994-2010

Selected Publications:

Elsayed, M., “Using the Measured Frequency Response Function of a Drilling Rig to Model Rock Surface Topology  Generated by a Coring Bit,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND INNOVATION VOLUME 3, NUMBER 2,  FALL/WINTER 2011, pp. 44-53.

Elsayed, M., Aissi, C., “Analysis of the Frequency Response Function and Stability in Drillstrings Using Active Circuit Model,”Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Technology,in Drillstrings Using Active Circuit Model,”Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Technology,  Vol. 3, pp. 29-38, 2009.

Raymond, D., Elsayed, M. et al., “Laboratory Simulation of Drill Bit Dynamics Using a Model-Based Servo-hydraulic Controller,”ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 130, No 4, pp. 043103-1 to 043103-12, 2008.